It’s no surprise that we’re passionate about honey bees. After all, these bee-autiful buzzing creatures give us the honey that we love to drizzle, spread and mix at breakfast, lunch and even dinner! But we don’t stop there. In fact, we’re passionate about all the different varieties of bees and pollinators in general.
Why does our appreciation spread so far? Honey bees are just one of the many pollinators that give us the colourful and delicious fresh food we eat, but so many of us are either unaware of just how valuable they are, or don’t know how we can lend a hand to help. That’s why we’re on a mission to help protect and save the incredible honey bees through our Hives For Lives programme of vital initiatives. Together with our partners, we are passionately striving to inspire the next generation of bee farmers, fund vital research into bees and offer beekeeping as a sustainable pathway out of poverty in Ethiopia. But how you can help?
Well, this September, we’re calling on you to #FeedTheBees and grow wild… specifically, find a pot, patch or planter at home that you can use to let some wildflowers grow. The best part is, we’ll even send you wildflower seed balls for free, including chamomile, corn marigold, common poppy and oxeye daisy! Even though so many of us prefer the uniformity of one or two flowers in garden borders, bees adore the mix.
Wildflowers are full of nectar and pollen, which bees need to eat, pollinate crops and other flora, as well as make our delicious amber nectar of course. But also, wildflowers are ideal as bees love bright flowers of varied heights, and the fact that they bloom from March to October – a bee’s busiest time of the year – is the honey on top.
The best part is, we’ve made it easy to get involved; just follow these simple steps:
- Fly over to http://feedthebees.rowsehoney.co.uk/ and click on SEND ME SEEDS
- Enter your details
- When your package arrives, scatter the seeds and watch them grow!
And while you’re there, why not make your way around our Hive of Helpful Resources, from how to sow and grow at home, the power of wildflowers for bees and 11 delicious wildflowers to feed our bees. Plus, we have some sweet guides including ‘natural gardening’ from our Gardening Expert, Mr Plant Geek, as well as a video on how you can help feed the bees in the colder months from one of our bee buddies Arthur Parkinson.
If you’ve done all that, why not help us spread awareness by filling social with acres of emoji flowers. We have some colourful options on our site or go crazy with your own design. Just make sure you tag @rowsehoney and include #FeedTheBees!