Our latest Hives for Lives mission is to help restore vital nectar sources for pollinators in the UK as well as introducing new habitats for birds and other wildlife in our British countryside.
Did you know that in the last century approximately 92% of wildflower areas and over half of our natural hedgerows in the UK have disappeared?
So, we’re committed to doing all we can to restore vital nectar sources, providing sustainable, nectar-rich food sources for pollinators and expanding precious habitat where wildlife can not only survive, but thrive.
We have partnered with Blenheim Palace Estate, near to our home in Oxfordshire on a major conservation project to provide an abundance of nectar-rich habitats.
We’ve also teamed up with our friends at Kettle Chips to plant nectar rich hedgerows around their potato farmland in Norfolk.
Read about our great initiatives below...

70native wildflower species have been sown
27 new log hives

Help us in our mission to Feed The Bees!
Read more50acres of wildflowers sown
Together, we have planted 1.5kmof new native hedgerow